Motivation, Courage and Conviction to give life to your God-given Gifts

Motivation, Courage and Conviction to give life to your God-given Gifts acquired at birth

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Motivation, Courage and Conviction to give life to your God-given Gifts

Since retirement, I have had a lot of time to re-assess myself from the inside out.  When I was in the work force, I didn’t take the time to fully get to know the person God wanted me to be.  I allowed a lot of time to pass without knowing what my true purpose in life was.I was just living from day to day without a true purpose.  I was young and somewhat foolish because I was living for the day, giving no thought for tomorrow. You know, fifty years went by so fast, seems like that time has shrunk to maybe 20 years now. You know, I woke up one morning and I was 19 years of age, seems like the next morning I woke up and I was 70 years old.  My main concern is not where all that time went, but how was I going to go back and find out where I left off.  In going back, surprisingly enough, the point I stopped off at was still there.It was kind of like a book that you read and you put bunny ears on the page you stopped off at.  You open your book up to that page and pick up where you left off and move forward, this time with true conviction and not stopping until you reach completion. 

I thank God that He has given me time to see my gift (writing) that He gave me at birth come to be in my lifetime.  Most importantly, I realize that time is of the essence to get His work completed to the best of our abilities.  I have prayed for many things in my life, some have come to be, while I wait patiently for those other things to be added unto me.  My soul prayer is to accomplish His will in my life before I pass on. There is a bible verse, Matthew 6 chapter, 33rd verse,  “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

I would never have had the motivation or conviction to complete writing 25 poems without having God there beside me, being my cheerleader, not standing on the sidelines but leading and guiding me all the way.  In 2022, I wrote a book entitled, “Turning Your Inside Out” about growing up in the 1950s in the country.  This year I have also written another book that will be published in the last quarter of 2024. I am also learning both Sign Language and how to play the piano, as I keep on learning. Every morning, I wake up is a gift from God to me.

Every day, I am on a mission to share what God is teaching me, whether it be my gift that was tucked away all these years (that is now given life) or a loving touch to someone in need. 

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