Uplifting Injured Law Enforcement

Covering the Blue is a non-profit organization on a mission to bring comfort to the injured officers and K-9s who serve our communities.

“I started a group Covering the Blue on FB and we crochet and knit Thin Blue Line covers for injured Officers, these covers uplift them in their lowest time.  We have mailed out 1667 covers across the Country and have touched Officers in every State.  We must show kindness to others especially those who serve us on a daily basis taking their lives in danger and leaving their family’s behind.  Those who volunteer for us have found that in doing these good deeds it uplifts them as well and encourages them to continue to uplift our injured Officers.  We also make big tied fleece covers for injured Police K9’s and this in turn uplifts their partners and handlers when they are down and out.  They share a very special bond and in turn, we share a special bond with Officers and K9’s we have never met before.  We work daily to make covers to send to our injured Officers and there are so very many.”

Check them out here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoveringtheBlue & https://www.coveringtheblue.com/

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