Friends Surprise Man Battling ALS By Restoring His Mustang. Joy Ensues.

So many memories bring back so many smiles. This is just too sweet.

For more than 100 years, cars have been part of our culture. For many, they are synonomous with freedom.  Their appearance can be stuff of legend. At times, the sense of power and speed delivers an adrenaline rush. The joy of being on the open road -- whether alone or with loved ones -- is one of the many reasons they're so special. Despite being inhuman, many people develop a relationship with them... and they often bring back a flood of memories. It's easy to see how the nostalgia factor can make certain cars highly sought after. Craig Reagan treasured his 1973 Mustang that he owned since high school. When ALS prevented him from restoring it, it sat -- inoperable -- for years in his driveway. That is... until some of his high school friends decided to rally around him. After putting in hundreds of hours to get his vehicle up and running, they surprised him. Seeing the smile spread across his face during the big reveal will make your day.

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